Posture and Health: Aligning Your Body for Optimal Function

Posture and Health: Aligning Your Body for Optimal Function

In a world where many of us spend hours hunched over screens, maintaining good posture has become a critical yet overlooked component of health. At New Earth Healing Center, we understand that proper alignment of the body is foundational to optimal function, pain...
Easing Into Movement: Gentle Exercises for Pain Relief

Easing Into Movement: Gentle Exercises for Pain Relief

For those experiencing discomfort, the thought of exercise can be intimidating. However, gentle movement can be a surprisingly effective tool for managing and reducing pain. At the New Earth Healing Center, we believe in the healing power of movement and are committed...
The Power of Phytonutrients: Eating for Immune Support

The Power of Phytonutrients: Eating for Immune Support

In the quest for a fortified immune system, the natural compounds known as phytonutrients play an essential but often underrated role. These potent chemicals are the plants’ defense against threats, and when we consume them, they become part of our body’s health...
Histamine and Health: Managing Allergies Through Diet

Histamine and Health: Managing Allergies Through Diet

For many individuals, allergies are a daily struggle, with symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe reactions that disrupt everyday life. At the core of many allergic responses is histamine, a compound released by cells in response to injury and in allergic and...
Stress-Reducing Diets That Help with Inflammation

Stress-Reducing Diets That Help with Inflammation

When it comes to managing stress and inflammation, the foods you eat can be as soothing as a calm breeze through Indiana’s meadows. At the New Earth Healing Center, we understand that the path to wellness encompasses not only the treatments we offer but also the...